On this page we will list the things we would like to get to make the best effort to bring our vision to reality as always, there are different ways in which sponsors can contribute to the band, including through financial contributions, product donations, and service volunteerism. We are very appreciative of our sponsors because they are a big part of what it takes to make our mission a success.
Our band is dedicated to showcasing and promoting the rich cultural traditions of the Caribbean through our costumes, music, and dance. We believe that carnival is a celebration of life and a way to bring people together, and we strive to create a family-friendly environment that is welcoming and inclusive to all.
In no particular order here are the things we can use your help with:
- Month Truck or Trailer Rental
- Hardware and Building Materials
- Event Space
- Radio, Television Advertising
- Workshop access
- Catering Services
- Raffle Items
- Equipment Rental (Music, Generator, etc)
- CDL driver volunteer for 8-hour shift
- Bartending volunteer 8hr shift
- Modeling Services
- Security Services
- Legal Services
- Rental Property for the 2 weeks around the event (Saturday before to Saturday After)
In return for your support, we would be happy to offer recognition of your company at the carnival event and on our social media platforms, as well as other opportunities for collaboration and partnership. We hope that you will join us in supporting this celebration by becoming a sponsor of our band, AlphaWe.
Thank you for considering our request.
Sincerely, Nervile Dave St Luce / Paula Nicole St Luce